Asbestos Inspection Adelaide: Choosing an Asbestos Inspection Company

If your building materials are undamaged and will not be disturbed during renovation or demolition, testing for asbestos should not be a necessity. However, if you decide to take samples yourself with an accredited professional’s guidance.

Find out about the asbestos inspection company Adelaide experience and training; examine documents of certification in federal or state-approved training courses.


Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral once widely used in construction materials prior to its international ban in the 1970s. When exposed to air, asbestos fibres may become airborne and be inhaled into lungs where they may deposit themselves, potentially leading to mesothelioma, pulmonary fibrosis, or other serious respiratory conditions. To ensure that you’re building, or workplace is safe from asbestos contamination, hire an accredited asbestos inspector for testing and sampling services.

Licensed asbestos inspectors perform visual inspections and bulk sampling of suspect materials to establish whether ACM exists. After performing this assessment, they develop risk evaluations for each material as well as recommend appropriate response plans if necessary.

Laboratory analysis generally takes 3 to 10 days; rush or emergency turnaround options can be requested at additional premium fees. Inspection itself could last from several hours up to multiple days in larger facilities; full access should always be allowed to all parts of the facility for this process to take place efficiently.


Your chosen asbestos inspection company Adelaide must possess the experience and know-how required for both asbestos inspections and abatement services. A reputable firm should offer both services; one should include in-house lab services for sample analysis, saving both time and money; while another must boast satisfied clientele, with the owner personally conducting each inspection visit and responding to inquiries about them directly.

An experienced contractor should have an in-depth knowledge of state and federal regulations governing the identification, surveying, handling, and disposal of asbestos-containing material (ACM). A comprehensive inspection includes visual assessments as well as checks for hidden ACM in walls, ceilings, or mechanical spaces; usually taking several hours with full access to all rooms/spaces of a building.

Before undertaking renovation or demolition works that could disturb suspected asbestos material, an asbestos survey must first be completed to protect both building occupants and contractors working in the area. Asbestos is generally inert material that poses little threat to humans when left undisturbed; however, once fibres become airborne, they can cause lung disease and cancer – therefore an experienced contractor will advise the best course of action including encapsulation, removal and monitoring to effectively manage risks.


An asbestos inspection company should provide you with a list of references you can contact to inquire about their quality of work. Furthermore, they must be licensed in your state – you can easily do this online.

Asbestos is a fibrous mineral often used in building materials. Because it does not burn, asbestos makes a great fireproofing and insulation material; production costs are low; durability is uncompromised despite years of use; however, asbestos exposure has been linked to serious health concerns like lung cancer and mesothelioma which may take 20-50 years after initial exposure for symptoms to appear. Thus, hiring asbestos inspection company Adelaide is only reasonable.

Every demolition and renovation project subject to 40 CFR Part 61 Subpart M requires an asbestos survey and/or inspection. No matter when they were constructed or renovated, federal asbestos regulations apply regardless of year of construction/renovation. For more information about their requirements please read the department’s factsheet: Asbestos Requirements for Demolition and Renovation Projects.

An asbestos removal company is a type of business that removes or disturbs friable (crumbling) asbestos-containing material from a structure and seals off non-friable asbestos-containing material, while also using professionals with appropriate training and experience to do this job. Before hiring one in Wisconsin, ensure they have obtained certification by searching our online directory to see who has.


Many companies charge a flat fee for an asbestos survey, including inspection, sampling and reporting services. Prices may differ depending on which company provides these services – those that specialize in asbestos testing may charge more while those just beginning may charge less; depending on the size of a building the fees could also differ accordingly.

Asbestos inspection company Adelaide that suspects asbestos might be present often perform tests for its presence in water while on-site, which is more cost-effective than having two separate water and asbestos tests done separately; such an approach will typically run you between $100-300.
